
    Field Settings and PivotTable Options dialogs

    The goal of the ribbon is to provide all the functionality needed for most users. More advanced options are available in the Field Settings dialog and the PivotTable Options dialog. While both of these dialogs existed in previous versions of Excel, we have updated them to achieve two things. First, to group the options more intuitively together, and second, to include settings for new features as well as some features previously only available through the object model. We have used tabs to group options logically. Let’s take a brief look. (Note, this is more detailed than the rest of the post, but since I am feeling productive today, and since many of the changes we made were in direct response to places where we had received a bunch of customer feedback, I decided to walk through the dialogs and highlight some of the changes we made.)

    Here is a screenshot of the first tab of the new Field Settings dialog for a field on rows or columns – this allows users to set a number of options on a field-by-field basis.


    On this tab there is a checkbox for “Display items from the next field in the same column”. With this you can control on an individual field basis whether to display items of that field in the new compact form or not (see my previous post for an explanation of the three forms – Compact Form, Tabular Form and Outline Form). And here is the second tab of the Field Settings dialog.
    在此标签中有一个复选框,在同一列中显示下一个字段的项目。这里你可以控制每一个单独字段的基本要素,即是否在新的紧凑形式下显示该字段项目(详见我以前的文章 previous post,那里讲明了三种形式:紧凑形式、平板形式、大纲形式)。下面是字段设置对话框的第二个标签。


    The new “Include New Items in Filter” checkbox allows you to control whether new items appearing in the source data will automatically show up in the PivotTable when the field is manually filtered (“manually filtered” meaning not all items are checked in the filter UI).

    Next, here are some screenshots of the PivotTable Options dialog – on each screenshot, I will try and point out something new to Excel 12 or that may be interesting to frequent PivotTable users … if folks have further questions, please post comments.

    The first tab allows users to control layout and format options for the entire PivotTable.


    The “Compact Row Axis indent” control allows you to control how the extent to which fields added to the rows area are indented when they are added to the PivotTable.
    当你给数据透视表添加行字段时,“Compact Row Axis 缩进”控制项允许你控制这个字段的行缩进量.

    The next tab deals with options relating to totals and filtering.


    The “Use Custom Lists when sorting” checkbox allows you to control whether sorting items on rows or columns will take custom lists into account. For example, if this checkbox is checked, we will sort labels that represent months in logical data order (Jan, Feb, Mar) as opposed to in alphabetical order (Feb, Jan, Mar).

    The next tab contains options on displaying different components of PivotTables.



    上一篇:excel怎么做表格:选项卡和模板 下一篇:excel宏教程:Excel2007新知:一些相关的数字
