
    Charting III – Tabs and Templates
    In the previous two charting posts, I wrote about how you can make a professional chart with four simple choices – chart type, chart layout, chart style, and document theme. As useful as we hope that is, we know that some users will want to tweak and control every aspect of their charts. Today I want to walk through the tabs that are available when you are working with a chart and provide an overview of all the capabilities that are exposed in the ribbon. I am also going to briefly cover templates.


    Design Tab
    When you are working with a chart, three additional contextual tabs will be available – Design, Layout, and Format. Here is a shot if the Design Tab.



    (Click to enlarge)

    The Design tab allows users to set the style and layout of a chart. In addition, this is where you change the chart type, change the data source, move the chart, and a few other things. The bulk of this was covered in previous posts.

    Layout Tab
    The chart layout tab contains easy access to the various elements of a chart – title, legend, axes, series, data labels, etc. Each element has its own gallery of simple choices to construct charts. Most of these choices were available in previous versions of Excel, but you had to find the correct dialog to use them. With the ribbon, these choices are much more accessible and results-oriented.



    (Click to enlarge)

    Here are examples – one for legends, and the one for an axis. The legend gallery gives you a choice of places to put the legend. The axis gallery gives you a choice of how you would like to see the axis. Other galleries give choices for data label position, category axis direction, and gridline patterns.



    (Click to enlarge)

    Note that the galleries have a “More Options …” choice at the bottom. The goal of the galleries is to make it easy to apply common settings with one click. Since not every capability would fit in these galleries, so there is still a format dialog for each chart element, much like in previous versions of Excel, which is launched when the user selects “More Options …” This gives the user the finest level of control over the features. (The format dialog is now modeless, so you can click to other elements and change their formatting. Also, the choices have also been rearranged somewhat, trying to make them fit better together.)

    By now, you are probably getting a sense as to the “three level” approach that the ribbon affords us. At the top level, users can select from galleries on the Design tab (chart layout, chart style) that to create a wide variety of charts very simply. If users then want to do more detailed tweaking, they can move to the Layout tab, where they can manipulate the objects on the chart, again using very visual, results-oriented galleries. And, for those folks that want even more fine-grained control, there are modal dialogs with every available setting.
    现在,你大概就越来越感到ribbon 提供的”三个层次”的方法。最高层,用户可以在设计选项卡的图形目录里选择(图表版式,图表样式) 非常简单地创建各种图表;如果用户想进行更细的设置,可以转到图表样式选项卡中,再利用非常直观、预览结果的图形目录设置图表上的对象;如果要进行更细致的设置,可以通过格式对话框进行各种设定。


    上一篇:excel表格制作:永恒的Excel间隔底纹 下一篇: 数据透视表IV――任务向导用户界面
