word文档新手教程:What are Groups for Office 365 ?

    Groups for Office 365 is a new way of working with your colleagues and people outside of your network. They focus on the collaboration experience rather than one specific technology like SharePoint.Let's take a look at how it works and if it's a contender to our beloved Team Sites.

    The first step should be better understanding what we get when we subscribe to Office365.

    New Collaboration and Team Site Experience

    With therecent announcement by Microsoft on SharePoint 2016, they talked a lot aboutbringing "Experiences" to Office 365 instead of focusing onindividual technologies.

    Today,when we think Team Collaboration, we often associate it with SharePoint TeamSites. However, it's often more than that. Not to mention that the needs fromour users have changed and evolved with a generation that is very comfortablewith technology.

    If IT isgoing to restrict access or take too long to deliver a Team Site that won'tanswer their needs and ask for each document to be tagged with all the requiredmetadata, they may just look elsewhere.

    Groups for Office 365 is one of these newexperiences that helps teams work together by joining Exchange and SharePointtogether in a simple way. Right now, they are still relatively new and needtime to mature into an enterprise solution. However, even today they present a greatalternative to Team Sites by helping to facilitate collaboration with themembers of the group.

    This newservice can be broken down into different pieces or features to provide youwith an overall experience for collaboration.





    Conversations between members and external users

    The Groupcreator is automatically made into an Admin of the group and can add Members toit. These users have to be in the organization, however it does not limitconversations to them. But let's start at the beginning.

    Membersof the Group can use the conversation feature to communicate with each other,not unlike the Team Site Newsfeed or a Yammer Group if you're familiar withthose.

    Thisfeature actually uses Exchange and works very much like email. You can see eachnew conversation as an email sent to the Group's email address and people canreply to it within it.

    Conversationsin Groups for Office 365

    Asmentioned above, the group itself has an email address. This is fantastic andmeans you don't actually have to navigate to the group to interact with thesediscussions and use email if you like.

    What are Groups for Office 365?

    Remember,we're trying to provide the best collaboration experience and not focus on the technology, whatever you use, as long as it helps the team collaborate together and stays controlled by the organization.

    You canalso allow the Group to receive email from people outside of the organization.Ideal if you want to work with external users without adding them to anypermissions, anywhere.

    Calendar that surpasses the SharePoint Team Site's very own

    TheSharePoint Team Site has a "cute" calendar, but it doesn't come closeto the one most of us are used to in Outlook.

    Groupsfor Office leverage the Exchange (Outlook) Calendar instead of SharePoint's.This means we get all the benefits and features from a regular calendar. FromApps to integrations with existing applications there is a lot we can do.

    Thedifferent Groups you belong to will appear as additional calendars you canoverlay with yours when visiting the Web App.

    What are Groups for Office 365?

    Right outof the box, you can add rooms from your organizations Address Book, integratewith Skype for Business (formerly Lync) to host an online meeting or even printthe calendar when you don't want to use the scheduling assistant.

    And atthe end of the way, like in SharePoint, the Calendar does not belong to one person. Rather, it belongs to the Group itself so it'll always be there with upto date information regardless of the members joining and leaving.

    OneNote giving each Group for Office 365 a way to collaboratequickly

    There area lot of note taking apps out there, but it's hard to beat OneNote. One of thefirst apps that allowed seamless co-authoring in the Microsoft ecosystem andstill today the one that does it the best probably.

    TheNotebook is created along with the SharePoint Site Collection created to storethe Files we'll cover below. It automatically grants all the members of theGroup the right to work in it.


    上一篇:基本操作:告诉大家最新版办公神器当属Office 365 下一篇:word制作表格教程基础入门:在office办公软件中,怎样快速找到文本框
