
    Charting II – Professional charts, made easy (continued) + Excel 2007 keyboard access model …
    图表二: 专业图表轻松做(续)+Excel2007键盘访问模式

    Keyboard Access
    Today I want to start with a link to Jensen Harris’ UI blog, where Jensen has put up a post that describes the Office 2007 keyboard model. I am personally a big keyboard user, and I know the same is true for a lot of Excel users, so this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. You can read the details for yourselves, but I want to summarize the key design points.

    ·Every one of the Office 2003 keyboard shortcuts (i.e. CTRL+B) continues to work the same in Office 2007; there’s no relearning necessary.
    ·All of the Office2003 menu accelerators (i.e. ALT+I+R to insert a row) will work just like you were running Office 2003 … no need to activate any sort of legacy keyboard mode or anything like that – your menu accelerators just work (note, for the beta users out there, this is a change from beta1). This is very useful for those of us that have memorized menu accelerators over our lives using the product.
    ·Every single command in the Ribbon receives a letter – a KeyTip – which is used to activate that command via the keyboard. Basically, when you press the Alt key, the keytips show up on the ribbon, and you then simply need to press the appropriate letter to execute the command. Here is a picture of the keytips on the formulas tab.
    今天我将通过Jensen Harris的博客介绍Office 2007键盘模式. 我个人经常使用键盘,我知道有很多Excel的用户也一样,所以这是一个亲切的主题。你可以自已阅读相关的细节,这里我仅说明设计的要点。.

    ·在Office 2007中继续延用 Office 2003的键盘快捷键(比如CTRL+B),这就不用再学习了。
    ·所有Office2003的菜单快捷键(比如用ALT+I+R插入一行)继续延用,不需要为传统键盘模式或菜单快捷键重新分类 (注,试用版除外,这与Beta1相比是个改变)。在使用中不用再背菜单快捷键,这对大家是非常方便的。
    ·当Ribbon上的个别命令收到一个字母 – 一个关键首字母 – 即通过键盘来执行命令。基本上,当你按下Alt键, Ribbon上就会出现命令首字母,然后你只需按下适当的字母来执行指令,下图介绍的是一个函数选项卡上的命令首字母。


    (Click to enlarge)

    Again, for beta1 users, this is different from what you have seen. To quote Jensen: “The feedback we got from Beta 1 on the KeyTips was loud and clear: good idea, but the KeyTips key sequences are too long and inefficient compared to the old menu accelerators. So, we went back to the drawing board and looked at how we could shorten KeyTip sequences to be as short as possible. We removed an extra keystroke everywhere by no longer requiring you to type the KeyTip for the group a control is in. And, we did away with most of the two-letter KeyTips by adding numbers as potential KeyTips for very dense Ribbon tabs. The result? We ran an analysis of every single command in Office 2003 and Office 2007–and the average ‘keystroke length” to access a command has gone down considerably. And for frequently-used commands in Office 2007, most are accessible with Alt + two keystrokes, just like the top-level menu commands in Office 2003.”
    然而,对beta1用户来说与所看到的有所不同。Jensen指出:”从Beta 1获得的反馈:命令首字母大而清晰非常好。但关键首字母的组合太长,比旧的菜单快捷键效率要低。 所以,我们回到图板,看如何缩短关键首字母序列,越短越好。我们去除了一个多余的键,输入快捷键不再通过命令组了, 并且为Ribbon上较密的大部分两个字母的标签增加了替代字母。结果呢? 我们分别在Office 2003 和 Office 2007中运行每一个单独命令进行分析:运行一个命令的平均按键次数大为降低,在Office 2007中几乎接近Alt +二次按键,就像Office 2003中高效的菜单命令一样。

    I am interested to see feedback on these new designs as people get their hands on beta2, but I am pretty sure this represents a big step forward for keyboard access and the ribbon.

    Back To Charting …
    Last post, we discussed how we have tried to make it easier to create good-looking charts by providing users with four straightforward choices. Specifically, the choices are: chart types, chart layouts, chart styles, and document themes. The second two are covered in this post – the first two are in the previous post.

    上一贴,我们讨论了如何设法使人们更容易创建精美的图表,向用户提供简单的四步选择。具体而言,就是选择: 图表类型,图表版式,图表样式,文档主题.接下来的二步就在本贴介绍(这是上一贴的二步)。


    上一篇: 快速比较不同区域的数值(二) 下一篇:excel教程:数据透视表III―更多可选择、更简洁精美的样式
