
    When I press enter to commit the change, Excel adds another column to my table – the appropriate formatting is applied to the rows, the border around the table adjusts, etc. So far so good.


    The next step is to write the formula. I might do something like type “=(” and then use the keyboard to move selection over to the cell I want to calculate – in this case FY05. Excel gives me the following reference: [FY05].


    As you can see, when referencing a table from within the table itself it is not necessary to prefix the table name. As I use other columns in my formula, they get similar references.


    When I am finished with my formula and press ENTER, Excel automatically fills that formula down for all rows in the Percent Growth column.
    当我输入完公式并按回车后,Excel将自动在“Percent Growth”列中向下填充公式。


    This is another new feature of tables called calculated columns. Any time a formula is entered into an empty table column it will automatically fill. We think this will help reduce errors introduced by manual filling or copy/paste. Not only does it fill, but it continues to fill down as you add or delete rows in the table. This is another one of those “sticky” properties I mentioned in my previous post. As with other table features, the user does have control over its behavior – at the time you enter a formula in a cell in a calculated column, the auto-fill can be undone using on-object UI (which you can see in the previous screen shot). Further, if you really do not want columns filling down ever, the feature itself can be turned off.
    这是另一个新的数据表功能称为计算列(译者注:“计算列”是“calculated columns”的直译,其含义为如果列表中的某个数据列包含计算公式则被称为“计算列”),任何时候只要在空白的表格列中输入公式,公式都会自动填充,我们认为这个功能会减少手动填充和复制/粘贴带来的错误,填充功能并不仅限于当前列表,用户在列表中添加或者删除列时,公式填充也会进行相应当调整,这也是我在上个帖子中提到“附着”功能的另一个例子,实际上,用户可以完全掌控这些功能——在计算列的某个单元格中输入公式时,利用系统的提示标志(译者注:英文名称为“on-object UI ”,即上图中位于H4单元格的提示标志)可以取消自动填充公式(在上图中可以看到),当然用户也可以通过系统设置关闭这项功能。

    If the calculated column ever needs to be updated, it is only necessary to edit one copy of the formula and the change will propagate to all rows. In addition, it is possible to change any single row (e.g. enter a static value or custom formula) so that it is not consistent with the calculated column. Such cells will be flagged visually so that inconsistencies will be easy to spot. For example, if I enter =RAND() in the middle of my column and choose not to fill down, I see a green triangle in the upper left-hand corner of the cell.


    Furthermore, once a calculated column contains inconsistencies, subsequent edits to cells in the calculated column do not propagate because Excel does not want to overwrite custom values. However, the same UI shown above will appear allowing the user to opt-in to the behavior.


    上一篇:表格制作excel教程:值字段技巧(二) 下一篇:excel数据分析:快速删除所有Excel名称
