





    第一张Good ,the topic of our group ,the main point of this is jury .

    第二张 first of all ,let me my teamppt的英文:PPT英文演讲稿, Jin is of U.S court and jury . Yang is of two cases about jury ,First and sixth bill of . I am of this to you and a video about Juryppt的英文,named 12 angry men.

    第三张That is the of U.S.

    This is the ,the core of this

    the Court

    13 of


    two of


    第四张Or we can see the one

    the there are two .

    One of state and local under the of the state . The other is the Court and the court , by under the of the of the .

    The Court is the court in the court which was in 1789. Below the Court are the of , and below them in turn are the , which are the trial for law. In ,there are two of

    Next main point is about The Jury

    About O.J.'s case

    1994, NFL O. J. case was 's most . The case was the trial of and turns, O.J. with a knife to kill his ex-wife and Ron two of first- crime to , due to the a few of the , to , only to be civil to be for the death of two . The case has also the of the of the case

    The Role of Jury

    In most law , the jury is for the facts of the case, while the judge the law. These "peers of the " are for to a , the , on the facts, and a in with the rules of law and their jury . , the jury only guilt or a

    of not , but the is set by the judge.

    In the , jury tend to be high , the tends to the of jury . 150,000 jury are in state in the U.S., and an 5,000 jury are in . Two- of jury are , while one-third are civil and "other" (e.g., , , ). , the vast of cases are in fact by plea , which the need for a jury trial.

    The plot of12 Angry Men the trail of a boy who is of his .The of the boy would mean a death and the of the boy's life is in the hands of male of .The case seems open and shut with a and to place the boy at the scene of the crime.For of the the is that the boy is but for one juror,Mr.Davis (Hey Fonda),the boy's life some to any doubt the may have.As the film the of the and many the by the of the .


    The are the of the of the and the why they have the to feel and act the way they do.As the case ,more is about each juror .The range from being a short- loud mouth to a - laced who never a sweat.As the movie much more is of the that the of human and 's .

    This film is an of movie that does not sets to the .The of the film takes place in a jury room with the men never the room from their .The cast and make this film and the film has some clear moral that are .The main issue is that not is as it seems.With the of a more the men to make a solid that a young man's life.12 Angry Men is a film that not be .

    From what have been above, we can draw the that the jury have the two-sided , but must be .Thank you for your .













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