
    Excel 2007 investments in UDFs #1
    EXCEL 2007的自定义工作表函数(第一部分)

    For the next few posts, we have a “guest post” from Danny Khen, a program manager on the Excel Services team.  Danny is going to talk about UDFs in Excel and Excel Services.  Enjoy.
    在接下来的几个帖子中,Excel Services团队的项目经理Danny Khen将讲述Excel和Excel Services中的自定义工作表函数,希望大家喜欢。

    UDFs are user-defined worksheet functions – custom functions that you create to supplement Excel’s set of intrinsic worksheet functions. UDFs are used to create calculation libraries, or to import data into Excel sheets in custom ways.

    In Excel 2007, we’ve made a number of key investments around UDFs. They revolve around two main areas: allowing UDFs to take advantage of important Excel improvements, and extending UDF-based Excel solutions to the server side with Excel Services.
    在Excel 2007中,我们围绕UDF花费了很多精力,主要有两个方面:Excel的重大改进可以应用于UDF和利用Excel Services将基于UDF的Excel解决方案扩展到服务器端。

    Updated XLLs

    A while back Dave mentioned that we updated XLLs (Excel’s addins based on the C-API) to give developers access to new Excel functionality. As that post explained, one of the common things that developers do in XLLs is to implement UDFs. We wanted to make sure that XLL authors can make use of some great new features of Excel 2007 itself in the UDFs they create. To recap, XLLs have support in Excel 2007 for:
    正如Dave前面提到的一样,我们更新XLLs(基于C-API的Excel加载宏)以便于开发者使用Excel的新功能,对于开发者来说,在XLLs中实现UDF成为一件很普通的事情,我们希望确保XLL作者可以在UDF中使用Excel2007那些伟大的新功能,简单的说,Excel 2007 XLLs支持:

    The bigger grid

    More function arguments

    Multi-threaded calculation

    There are many more detailed about those improvements in that other post.

    Server-side UDFs

    Dave has also posted a number of entries about Excel Services – the new feature in the Office SharePoint Server 2007 that enables calculation, display, and exploration of Excel workbooks on the server. These posts cover many aspects of Excel Services.
    Dave已经发表了好几个关于Excel Services的帖子,这些帖子涵盖了很多Excel Services的概念,简单的说就是: Office SharePoint Server 2007 提供的新功能,可以在服务器上实现计算、显示和访问Excel工作簿。

    Much like Excel’s ability to be extended by writing UDFs in Excel addins, Excel Services also has an extensibility mechanism for writing UDFs. I’d like to use the rest of this post to explain and demonstrate Excel Services UDFs. In a follow-up couple of posts, I will show how you can create Excel solutions that use UDFs and can run both on a client machine using Excel 2007 and in a server environment using Excel Services.
    就像可以通过在Excel加载宏中使用UDF扩展Excel功能一样,Excel Services同样可以使用UDF的扩展机制,我希望利用下面的帖子来解释和演示Excel Services UDF, 在接下来的几个帖子中,我将向大家展示如何利用UDF实现Excel解决方案,此方案不仅可以用于Excel 2007的客户端,而且可以用于具备Excel Services环境的服务器。

    They’re managed

    Server-side UDFs are implemented as methods .NET 2.0 assemblies. That is to say, Excel Services directly supports only managed code UDFs. Existing native function libraries and Excel UDFs can be used with Excel Services by “wrapping” them with the new style of server managed UDFs; I will show how in the follow-up posts.
    服务器端的UDF应用了.NET 2.0组件,也就是说Excel Services可以而且仅仅支持托管代码UDF,已经在用的函数库和Excel UDF可以在服务器端托管UDF中共存,在下面的帖子中将进行介绍。

    But why did we actually “go managed”? Excellent question. Managed code for enterprise-level solutions is becoming more and more popular, because of the many advantages that .NET code has to offer. Robustness and security are among the important advantages. Some of you may already be engaged in developing managed UDFs or other types of managed solutions. With Excel Services, we focused specifically on server stability, and we felt that using .NET as the basis for our extensibility would be the right thing to do in this respect.
    为什么要使用托管代码呢?这是一个非常好的问题,托管代码在企业级解决方案中越来越广泛的应用,原因在于.NET代码有很多优势,健壮和安全是其中最重要的优势,你们中某些人可以已经投入托管UDF或者提供托管方案的开发之中,对于Excel Service我特别关注服务器的稳定性,因此我们觉得以.NET为基础进行扩展是完全正确的。

    They’re part of a V1 feature


    上一篇:xcel表格制作教程入门:创建名称表格 下一篇:excel表格制作教程:VII -条件格式与数据透视表(一)
