
    Some Words About Charting

    Over the past few months, when I have posted information about charting in Office 2007, there has been plenty of feedback and discussion about the work presented.  Today, I wanted to spend a bit of time addressing some of that feedback.
    在过去的几个月里,当我发表有关Office 2007图表的信息时,总是有非常多对现有工作的反馈和讨论。今天,我想花些时间来解答其中的一些反馈。

    When I read over the feedback, especially the feedback that resulted from the survey post last week, it seems to fall into three categories:
    1. Why did you not add (insert your most important chart feature here) in Office 2007?
    2. There is too much of an emphasis on “eye candy” in the features that you did add to Charting in Office 2007.
    3. The styles that you have shown us are not “professional”.

    1. 你为什么不在Office 2007里面添加(在这里插入你最重要的图表功能)?
    2. 在你添加到Office 2007图表的功能中,对“eye candy”(译者:可以理解为吸眼球的东西,或者是养眼的东西。Candy原意为糖果。)强调太多了。
    3. 你给我们演示的样式并不“专业”。

    Here are a few thoughts on each of those items that will, hopefully, at least help everyone understand how we ended up where we are.

    Why did you not add (insert your most important chart feature here) in Office 2007?
    你为什么不在Office 2007里面添加(在这里插入你最重要的图表功能)?

    We are very aware that there is customer demand for new features in charting – new chart types, better integration with Word & PowerPoint, more control over the layout of charts, more capabilities within charts, better visuals (e.g.  anti aliasing, color schemes), better PivotCharts/a more “interactive” experience, conditional formatting, support for bigger data sets, and so on.  Over time, our goal is to deliver a great many of those features while maintaining decent backwards compatibility with the hundreds of millions of charts that our customers have created over the last 20 years.  That said, the work required to deliver all those features and maintain backwards compatibility is much bigger than would ever fit in any single release of Office, so we need to sequence the work over a period of time. 

    So how will sequencing work?  This release, we made a number of architectural changes so that we would have a solid foundation on which to build the next several releases of charting features.  Specifically, we significantly updated the charting engine and hooked into a cross-Office “rendering” platform (that’s fancy talk for “code that draws the shapes and text that makes up charts”).  This is the work that allowed us to make charts native objects in Word and PowerPoint, just like they are in Excel.  This is also the work that gave us better looking drawing of charts (anti aliasing, better text, and the other visual effects).  Because all the other features we hope to add to charts will be built on top of this foundation, we needed to get the foundation completed before we could start adding other features.  Along the way this release, we also redesigned the UI to accommodate the new ribbon and dialog architecture, which was part of a broad cross-Office initiative.


    上一篇:表格制作快速入门:单元格里的文字换行 下一篇:表格制作excel教程:值字段技巧(二)
